Ntamack will start the second half
Toulouse give a loose pass that gets knocked on and that's the end of the half!
Toulouse are awarded a penalty after the throw in and Ramos kicks the ball out for touch
Connacht win their scrum but get tackled out, leading to a Toulouse throw in
Medard gets a good linebreak but Ahki knocks the ball on and Connacht have a scrum
Fitzgerald restarts and Toulouse gather well
30 minutes in and we look at the attacking statistics
Toulouse - Connacht
Possession: 71 - 29
Metres Gained: 131 - 95
Carries: 39 -11
Clean Breaks: 1 - 1
Offloads: 6 - 0
Toulouse send the ball wide and with pace and it lands in the hands of Huget as he flies over in the corner as Toulouse take the lead back!
Toulouse opt for the scrum on the five metre
Toulouse receive yet another penalty as Connacht are caught offside