Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Weber kicks from his 22. Stevenson chases well but knocks it on. Scrum near the Chiefs 10m to the Sunwolves.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Knock on right by the line and the Chiefs have the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Weber makes an outstanding cover tackle

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Nakano BREAKS after the Chiefs fail to claim their own lineout. The Sunwolves force their way into the 22. Just metes short of the line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The Sunwolves counter ruck over the ball and win the turnover. However, they lose it in contact moments later. The Chiefs get a penalty as the Sunwolves enter the ruck from the side.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Long restart and Nel powers it up to halfway.

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kick through by Stevenson down the short side but goes too long and the Sunwolves have the 22 dropout

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Boshier locks over the ball to win the penalty again.