Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cheetahs defense holds strong as they manage a turnover, but Stormers steals the ball right back.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Zeilinga kicks out after the kick off and Stormers has a lineout on the 10m line of the Cheetahs.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cheetahs wins an scrum penalty and Zeilinga will take a shot at goal.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Stormers knocks on off the lineout scrum to Cheetahs.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Michael van der Spuy just off for a ding dong test.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

After an kicking battle the Cheetahs have an lineout just outside the Stormers 22m.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Stormers wins an penalty as the Cheetahs slowing the ball down in the ruck.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Stormers now with an attacking lineout just inside the 22m line of the Cheetahs.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Stormers collects after a kick and looks to run it from deep. Cheetahs lucky not to concede as Groom has a foot in touch.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Cheethas stole the first lineout of the game.