Penalty against Racing 92 as Kolinger plays the ball from an offside position after Tanga knocked the ball on.
The Stade Francais defensive wall finally breaks as Tanga charges from the base of the scrum and is just stopped short by James Hall. Camille Chat powers over from close range a phase later.
Latu throws long over the top but it is knocked on and Racing have the scrum 5m from the Stade Francais line
Lineout to Stade 5m from their line.
A fantastic tackle by Sefa Naivalu to deny the Argentine a five pointer.
It looked close but his knee has grazed the touchline before he dotted down.
Racing send it wide from there and Imhoff has little space as he goes for the corner.
Stade send it wide before coming back infield where Palu makes an intercept.
Segonds finds touch on his 10m line
Penalty against Racing at the scrum.