Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Loose and Am has it

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Into the final 10 minutes as Carreras restarts and Arg have it back

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Loose pass and de Klerk has it and he gives it to Libbok who cracks on the pace to race in from halfway

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Loose ball but Arg maintain possession

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Penalty for Arg for the tackler not rolling away, Carreras sets up an attacking lineout

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Moroni crashes it up from the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Lost forward at the lineout, scrum Arg

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

15 minutes to play

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Back to Cinti who clears well to touch

Ultimate Rugby Jul 7

Arg get back to secure 5m from their own line