Scotland pinged on the ground for holding on.
Hugh Fraser keeps the ball tight.
Jake Kerr crashes the ball up.
Graham attempts to counter.
He eventually kicks upfield but doesn't find touch.
Joe Simmonds gathers off the restart.
Blair Kinghorn will get us underway with the first half.
We pause for the anthems.
Both teams make their way out onto the field.
Hello all and welcome to Ultimate Rugby's coverage the opening clash of the U20 6 Nations with Scotland playing host to England at Broadwood Stadium. The English are coming into this encounter as heavy favourites, following JWC titles in 2013 and 2014, and as runners-up in 2015. England won this encounter by 26 points to 11 last year but the task will be all that tougher with a trip up to Scotland, where the home side will be more than up for the challenge.