Callum Macaulay Sep 9

Yeah but Tom look at the French national team. Could you really say increasing the salary cap has helped them?

Tom Hadden Sep 9

That's a good point actually, but i do miss the likes of Strettle and the French league is doing well and I'm assuming they don't have a salary cap / it's much higher

Kristian Uzupa Sep 9

tigers fan here sarries are awesome and unstoppable at the min!! Fair play I enjoy watching them!!! Northampton don't like losing in any way which is the same for anyone but they call everyone cheats which is far from the truth!

Tom Hadden Sep 9

I missed the game because I'm doing a refereeing course as well as being a county player? Please be more specific who you're referring to

Callum Macaulay Sep 9

And Tom removing the salary cap has really helped English football...

Callum Macaulay Sep 9

I 100% agree with you lilbiddler

Tom Hadden Sep 9

As a season ticket holder it is rare to see booing, at a rival game tho I was expecting it to be heated

lilbiddler Sep 9

come back when you understand or have played the game

Moist Sep 9

People will always be hate Saracens because they are great. Wasps trying to buy the league and can't. Champions of England and alway top of the table

Lizzy Waterfield Sep 9

Hahahahaa "suck it" #pathetic