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Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Reds maul from the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

O'Connor clears for the corner

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ref takes the ball back to a previous penalty against the Rebels for a high tackle

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Reds are now in the Rebels 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Reds manage to retain possession after the restart

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

To'omua will go for poles

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

O'Connor's kick fails to find touch and Rebels play it back upfield where they receive a penalty on the Reds ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Rebels win their scrum and send it wide but Paisami places a huge hit that eventually wins them the turnover as Rebels hold on

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ball is cleared back once again to O'Connor but he loses the ball forward, scrum to the Rebels just inside the Reds ten metre line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ball is cleared back almost immediately and Rebels run it through the hands