Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Begles kick deep

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Fish knocks on again as he loops around off the back of the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty at the lineout as Ribbons is played in the air

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Saints into the 22m after the lineout, but Fish knocks on

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty to Saints from a scrum on halfway

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Knock on halfway, Saints scrum

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Penalty to Bordeaux from a high tackle. They take it quickly and up past half way

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Big shove from Saints as they storm to the line. It breaks up and give to Ardendoff, but he is isolated and gives away a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Woki goes to the bin for collapsing the maul

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

A fourth consecutive penalty to Saints