Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Penalty Bulls as de Jager takes it up

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Ulengo with a pick and drive

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bulls onto the Sharks 22

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bulls lose the ball to a bad pass and manage to scramble back and regain possession

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Great counter attack by Mvovo and the Sharks attack well with Bosch in support who secures a rare full house - Try, Conversion, Penalty and Drop Goal for the game

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Sharks tap and go

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

More brilliance by the Sharks loosies as they win a penalty at the break down

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Ulengo showing great feet and strength on that counter attack

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bulls win a scrum penalty after the drive the Sharks back

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bulls knock on and Ndungane gains possession - Scrum Sharks