Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons hit back with a school boy error of their own. Obstruction from the kick off, hands Hanrahan a chance to regain the lead. Missed.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

School boy error from Munster to concede a kickable penalty directly after scoring.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Munster go old school and use their rolling maul to march towards the Dragon's line. The maul is brought down and a penalty is awarded. 6-3 19 minutes gone.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons earn a turnover at the scum. Evans makes an initial half-break and a few offloads later Netani Talei finds himself sprinting upfield. Good scramble from Munster to cut him down.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Another ariel bomb from Hanrahan is allowed to bounce in the Draogn's 22. After a bit of a scramble Munster are awarded an attacking scrum 7m out.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Burton negates Hanrahan's penalty after Peter O'Mahony is done for illegally competing for the ball.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Dragons are playing very positive rugby, keeping the ball in hand and looking to attack from deep. Unfortunately one of their forwards gets isolated and gets pinged for holding on.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Hanrahan looks to use the boot and puts up an ariel bomb but Prydie has no problem gathering in his own goal area.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

JJ Hanrahan looks up and pins the Dragons into the corner after noticing space in behind Pewnter

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Bright start from Munster with early half breaks from Johne Murphy and Keith Earls.