TMO looking for Try or No Try for Rebels and Tom English waits patiently
Woodward tries to run a round Julian Savea but is tackled.
Rebels pushing hard for a try and use the set piece well. Captain Smith slows the ball down and is carded.
Rebels look to set up the lineout and get back into this game
Rebels on the attack but Victor Vito steals the ball well and Barrett clears their lines
Andre Taylor with a show & go makes about 30m and offloads well to Perenara. Perenara finds BArrett who sends out a cross-field kick pass to Corey Jane who pops inside to Smith to score
Numbers out wide for the 'Canes and some long range passes by Barrett, Jane & Savea see's Conrad Smith knock the ball on with the try line begging
Barrett sets up a line out a few out and the Ref has warned the Rebels for Ruck & Maul issues
Multiple infringements by the Rebels in kickable positions.
Barrett misses it as he hits the right hand upright. Rebels clear their lines