Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Carbonel with a great kick pass out wide to Nakosi who seems in, TMO to call it

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Injury replacement

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Now RCT have a penalty 35m out - Carbonel signals for poles

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty LOU

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ngatai and Wulf combine well but the former is dragged down 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Penalty Lyon and they kick to touch - Attacking line out 25m from the RCT line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Tuisova does well again and he is away - His pop inside to Ikpefan is fumbled

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Great work by the RCT players to create an overlap and JP Pietersen is put away and he scores

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Tuisova looking lively

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Cleared from the scrum and Toulon run it back