Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

London Irish maul from the lineout but it's stolen before being kicked downfield where they regain possession on the halfway

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

London Irish are tackled out for touch and George will throw in

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Atkins clears for touch over the Saracens 22

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saracens gain possession but kick it downfield to relieve pressure. London Irish lose possession once again but are awarded with a penalty as Saracens hold onto the ball

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

A box kick from Davies leads to London Irish gaining possession inside the Saracens half

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Atkins restarts and Saracens gather well

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saracens move their way down the field, taking advantage of a loose pass from London Irish that gives them the perfect opportunity to progress closer to the try line. All players get involved to build some momentum and Barrington decides for a brilliantly executed pick and drive to get the ball over the line!

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saracens progressing to within five metres of the line now

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saracens manafe to regain possession as they run their way down the field, building some fierce momentum!

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Saracens gather well from the restart before box kicking it to hand possession back over to the London Irish