Jags run out of their 22 but knock on. Kings scrum 30 meters out.
Sanchez does all the work taking it to the line and grubbering through nicely for the fullback to run onto.
Jags in possession early in the second half on the Kings 22.
Thank god for all the Kings errors. Still Jags playing decent enough.
That's it for the 1st half with the home side taking a narrow lead into the second half. Handling errors have cost both sides so far. Stay with us for live coverage of the second half.
Penalty to the Kings on half time. They will go for goal from 50 meters.
The out half cuts back inside dodging 2 tackles to score under the sticks.
Sanchez takes it up to the line
Penalty jags. they kick into the kings 22.
Knock on and Kings get the scrum with 5 minutes to go.