Bordeaux turn the ball over, attempt a clearance but cannot find touch, Sharks counter
Bordeaux playing the man in the air at the lineout, Sharks kick the penalty into touch, 15m out
Adds 3 points. Bordeaux on the board
Attempting kick at goal
Sharks offside at the ruck, Penalty Bordeaux 10m out. They will kick at goal
Bordeuax finally break into the sharks half. Sharks mistake puts them in their 22m, Bordeaux looking get on the scoreboard
23 minutes into the first half and Bordeaux yet to enter the Sharks half
Sharks create pressure, Bordeaux end up knocking the ball backwards, Tyler Paul beats the last man and only has to pick up and score, but fumble the ball
Robert Du Preez spots space behind the wing, lineout to Bordeaux on their 5m line
Robert Du Preez adds the simple two points