Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Quins gather the restart and clear their lines, Lineout Bears

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Qins take the lead for the first time

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Numbers out wide but they arent needed! Smith played the advantage and takes the five-pointer

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Quins maul now and break away but are given an advantage

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Smith gives a kick through but its well covered by Piutau at the back, Lineout Quines in the 22m area

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Mulchrone with another kick and Mike Brown takes it sweetly

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

from the scrum with Smith, he passes to Robshaw, Quins using their forwards well, and a small kick through by smith and its back into the hands of Bristol

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Perry knocks the ball on, Scrum Quins

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Mulchrone exists and its juggled, bears with possession

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Quins kickoff and Crane gathers comfortably