Bordeaux turn over the possession and clear the ball into touch
Grenoble attack off the line out and are 5 meters out
Penalty to Grenoble and the ball is sent into touch setting up the line out inside the Bordeaux 22
Grenoble in possession now and running at the Bordeaux defense
Bordeaux attack out wide with a smart little interchange between the outside backs but, the ball is knocked on
Grenoble get back to clear the danger after a chip through and the game is restarted from the Grenoble 22
Bordeaux with a strong scrum manage to push Grenoble off their own feed, and attack the blind side
Hickey looks for the runner on the inside but, the ball is knocked on and Grenoble will have the scrum feed
Bordeaux on the move
Grenoble attack off the back of the scrum but, the Bordeaux defense work hard and manage to hold the ball up and the possession is over turned