Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

End to end this! A brief chance for the players to rest as Gloucester get a scrum after the ball pings off an Irish player and goes forward.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

TRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!! Ross McMillian from short range for his second! Maddison with a great offload to put Ross through.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

TRRRRRRYYYYYYY!!!!! Yes straight from the kick-off! Albert Tuisue catches and runs half the pitch before offloading to Nott to slide over with a man on his back!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

TRRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!! Ross McMillian dots down in the corner following a well worked rolling maul!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Some big hits flying in from Irish! Gloucester in possession and are eventually awarded a penalty. The Exiles deemed offside.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

| Irish are awarded a penalty on their own 5m line. A bit of back and forth for possession as we have a quick stoppage for an injury.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

A huuuuge shove from the Exiles pack gives Irish a penalty and a shot at goal!

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

A flat pass if knocked slightly forward and Gloucester have a scrum on their own 22m.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

A good few phases for the visitors as they spread the ball through the hands.

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Myler kicks to the Gloucester 22m.