Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The lineout will still be in the La Rochelle 22, however

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The ball is knocked on, to the dismay of the Warrior Nation

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Matt Fagerson picks and carries

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Alexi Bales is sent to the sin-bin for kicking the ball through at the ruck.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

The ball goes to Hastings this time, and the fly-half almost darts through a gap

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Another 5m scrum for the Warriors.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Another dominant scrum, another penalty.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Scrum chosen once more by the home side

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

No advantage as the Warriors marmalise the La Rochelle scrum, so the play comes back for a penalty once again

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Two metres out!