Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Cheetahs keep it tight

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Pienaar snipes short side

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Lost forward for an attacking Cheetahs scrum

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Stolen lineout WP

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Playing the ball on the ground, penalty Cheetahs and Pienaar sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Chris Smit crashes it up from the scrum before Blommetjies clears, Petersen runs it back towards the 22

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
No try, lost forward in the grounding, scrum Cheetahs 5m from their own line

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
TMO checking the grounding by Venter

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
Strong WP maul and Venter powers his way over the line

Ultimate Rugby
Jul 7
WP look to set the drive 5m out