Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland looking to their pack to carry as they make the hard yards around the ruck

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland 10m from the England line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland win a penalty and boot the ball to the corner, Ireland lineout 5m from the England line

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland gain possession as a result of a crooked throw

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland boot the ball behind the England defence and it bounces into touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland scrum after a forward pass from England

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

England carrying well in attack as Ireland are forced to defend

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

England again get a penalty coming from the scrum and get a chance to clear

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland working well but they knock the ball on inside the England 22

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

England lineout but Ireland steal, ref comes back for an English knock on