Connacht clear as far as the 22. Aleki Lutui throws in successfully and Edinburgh look to build now.
Connacht force a knock on just as Edinburgh were threatening to go over from close range. Chance to clear now
Ross Rennie makes a fine break but is brought down just short of the line. The crowd comes to life now.
PENALTY EDINBURGH. Laidlaw pulls back 3 points after Connacht are penalised for hands in the ruck 30 metres out. 10-6 the score.
TRY FOR CONNACHT. A great passage including some fantastic passing and off-loads ends with full-back Robbie Henshaw crossing for the try. Parks converts. 10-3 they now lead.
Laidlaw makes a fine break but just can't quite feed the support runner, scrum for Connacht.
DROP-GOAL CONNACHT. Dan Parks responds for Connacht with an expertly taken drop-goal after some good build up play from them. 3-3.
PENALTY EDINBURGH. Greig Laidlaw kicks a penalty from between the 22m and the 10m after Connacht are penalised for being ahead of the kicker. 3-0
Resolute defending from Edinburgh eventually leads to a turn over. From the penalty Leonard cleared.
Great start from Connacht, Dan Parks kicks a penalty to just 5 metres out. They drive the maul over but cannot get it grounded. Held up.