Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Suniola with a great break from a well popped crash ball as he picks a line breaking the defence

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Austin do well to clear the trouble but Glendale pile on the pressure as they counter - Poor hands though and the visitors have a scrum feed

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Fenoglio finds his jumper but the Elite come away with the ball in the contact and run it

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Guillimin slices his clearing kick

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Breytenbach wins the line out deep in his 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Magie with a kick for territory

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

The visitors aggressive in contact especially around the fringes

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Austin and they miss touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

de Achaval with a great line and he breaks the line

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Glendale start to get the machine going with some phases