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Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Carter has failed his HIA and will not return

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Back to Sam Davies who clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Dragons fighting their way back into it as Smith restarts onto Dyer

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Intercept from Sam Davies who races away and finds Warren in support who gets it to Rosser to fly in

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Back to Sam Davies who clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Smith gets the second half underway for the Bulls, taken up by Keddie

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

The Bulls take a comfortable 31-8 lead over the Dragons into halftime. The Bulls scored a try just three minutes in and added a penalty inside the opening ten minutes to lead 10-0. the Dragons got on the board with a penalty after 24 minutes, but the Bulls responded with two quick tries to race into a 24-3 lead. The Bulls scored the bonus point fourth try just before halftime, but the Dragons crossed for a score with the final play of the half.

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

And that will be halftime

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Set move as the inside ball finds Dyer hitting it at pace and he cracks on the pace to race in

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

HIA for Carter