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Ultimate Rugby May 5

Williams goes to his forwards but the Benetton defence remains firm

Ultimate Rugby May 5

The ball is knocked on from the restart but Cardiff plays on

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Braley goes short to his forwards, Lamaro gets the ball and burst through to score under the posts

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Drago gets the ball but he is brought down

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Benetton forms a maul from the line out

Ultimate Rugby May 5

The restart is secured and Benetton forms a maul, Braley kicks the ball down field, Priestland kicks the ball and Smith runs but kicks the ball into the 22m of Cardiff

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Brex throws a brilliant pass to Albornoz who finds space and runs in to score

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Llewellyn is brought down and Priestland kick goes straight out on the full

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Benetton secures the restart but Cardiff manages to gather the ball

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Benetton forms another maul at the line out, Cannone breaks through and dives over the goal line to score