Ultimate Rugby 1w

Webb attacks space, she plays Malinga who throws an outrageous dummy to beat two and scroe

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Hands wide for the home side

Ultimate Rugby 1w

SA steal the line out

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Libbie Janse van Rensburg tackled into touch

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Neat hands off a quick ruck but then SA knock and are pinged for offside

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Mpupha beats 3

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Qawe with a great carry

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Contestable restart straight to Webb who takes it up

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Incredible speed by Felicia Jacobs as she throws a dummy, a step and pace to score

Ultimate Rugby 1w

Tap and go, Barbarians style move with a wall and they kick it away