Ultimate Rugby May 5

Big hit but Germishuys continues

Ultimate Rugby May 5

They kick for touch and find touch near the halfway line

Ultimate Rugby May 5

NOLA get the freekick inside the 22 for an early shove

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Elite attack and Mitchell loses forward in contact

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Good touch finder by Guillimin and Elite have the lineout in NOLA territory

Ultimate Rugby May 5

van Klein is penalised for collapsing the scrum

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Fangaiuiha loses it forward in contact and NOLA will have the scrum

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Short ball to Suniula from the scrum before the ball goes wide

Ultimate Rugby May 5

NOLA get it through a few phases before Kalm knocks it and gives the Elite the scrum

Ultimate Rugby May 5

A knock on stops the attack and NOLA will have the feed