Missed Conversion | 43'
Are these kicks from particularly difficult angles or what!?
ROG isn't there to be his Yoda
No. Sexton is just a mong.
If sexton is a 'mong' I would love to see you kick a conversion over
I'm not being paid.
so you have to be paid to take a kick?? ur a common ar5ehole to be absolutely fair
Ladies please
How am I being an arsehole? I'm criticising someone who is in the public eye. If he doesn't want criticising, he should find a less high-profile job.
sexton is one of the best kickers in rugby right now..criticism is rather unfair
Agree Tom. Scully is being a tosspot
He's as good as outhalfs come so he can take some heat from a douche with a stupid haircut
you are criticising someone you know nothing about, who has one of the finest professions anyone could ask for. "he should find a less high-profile job"
seriously, that point is quite invalid
"But I don't like him".
What does my haircut have to do with it? I'm simply expressing an opinion, why does everyone have to be so aggressive?
sexton loves the ****... true story
tom, it's fine to express a feeling, I take back what I said about you I just don't think 'mong' was the correct term you were looking for to say that sexton isn't up to standard in YOUR opinion
Fair point, I disagree but fair point h
Thank you Conor. You're right, mong isn't the right word, I mean to say that for a world class player, those two kicks were extremely substandard.
totally agree
And harmony is restored...
*repeats mantra* never read the comments...