orquera 50% di possibilita di segnare. troppo poco
HT and Zebre lead at the break by 2. Davies has been misfiring missing 3 penalties thus far. Dan Biggar suffered a head injury early on and has been a significant loss to the Ospreys. Zebre have played well and have kept to the basics. They are not trying anything flashy but are excelling at the basics which lead to their try. Ospreys will need to increase their accuracy if they are to win this one.
Davies finds his range once more and draws in the gap to two with two remaining.
Ma orquera funziona a giornate e oggi è giornata no
Lloyd Linton has been terrible!
e se fossimo 13~3 non avremmo rubato niente
Ospreys win a a line out on the Zebre 5m but are unable to capitalise.
Comunque la punizione è di garcia
Luciano Orquera finds his range and widens the gap to 5 once more.