Healy was there for the cross kick but it lands in Zebre hands instead as Renton gets his kick away
Munster gets the penalty for Zebre not rolling, Johnston will stick it into the corner
Zebre line out on Munster 10m after the ball coming off Johnston foot
Zebre scrum after being the more inflictive side in the start on 2nd half
Zebre will kick us off for 2nd half as Munster put themselves in a commanding position
1st half comes to a conclusion as Munster take a comfortable 17-0 lead.
We are beyond the 40 min mark, Zebre caught offside, Munster opts for 3 points in the closing stages
Ball knocked, Munster scrum just inside Zebre half as the clock goes into red
Zebre kicks forward but dont get good distance on it as Munster again on the attack with 2 min remaining of the half
Di Giulio gets good height on his kick and Munster are pressured into own half but manages to clear. Zebre playing in own half with 2 min left of the half