William F. Mar 3

Well done wales proved everyone wrong we were too cocky going into this I think

Brian Gerard Ward Mar 3

two good teams playing an enthralling game.

Gareth C Mar 3

A great and an infuriating game in equal measure!

Congratulations Wales on an excellent performance and impressive defence, don't know how they managed to keep us out and force so many errors in the face of such pressure...

And of course the worst ref in rugby football can sleep with a smile tonight knowing he had another big impact game!

Richard Dee Mar 3

Wales were better. Ireland were were very poor in taking our chances.

Aiden Taylor Mar 3

I bet you ******* pig

jazzyjeff19 Mar 3

what game were you watching brian

Dave Roberts Mar 3

I'll me nuttin up your da and ma's arse

Brian Gerard Ward Mar 3

Barnes was good.

David O. Mar 3

Agee with you 100% Andrew Foley. Both sides were guilty of breaking laws, and both sides were punished. Ireland were too inaccurate to win and you can't blame the ref for that

Yorkshire Lass Mar 3

thank you Ralph and rhino guess it's round two tomorrow x