Thomdavies1395 Mar 3

Better team won lads 😘

Stephen L Mar 3

Jesus, and people call us (the English) bitter/ arrogant.. Irish fans get your heads out of your arses. Sexton deserved the yellow, he blocked the ball on the try line. Henshaw entered the maul in front of Best. Penalty. Stop bitching about Barnes and accept that Wales were (barely) the better team today. Looking forward to tomorrow and hoping to wrap up the grand slam in two weeks!

Andrew Foley Mar 3

Get the Pints in!

Emmanuel Ghidey Mar 3

Come on England!!

Padraig O'Connor Mar 3

yep I'm just being bitter.. maybe it's the cute **** talking! I'll go hug a Wales supporter

Brian Gerard Ward Mar 3

some nice lions performances. nice to see north score too.

Simon Jeffers Mar 3

credit where it is due, Wales were the better team in both halves of the game

TROGLO #19 Mar 3

sti cazzi

Andrew Foley Mar 3

Ireland didn't convert early chances, Welsh defense was superb, and then they took their chances. Barnes calls the ruck different to every other ref, but always has and does to both

Brian Gerard Ward Mar 3

then again I am off the booze for lent so easy to be reasonable