Rauf R. Mar 3

Well said Morag

Yorkshire Lass Mar 3

why do the Irish always blame someone else foe their defeats. I support England but am half Irish (I'm England borne and bred and not a plastic paddy) but it does get a bit wearing with the constant barage about anything English be it ref or team. Ireland have good phases just let the game roll

Rauf R. Mar 3

Great Welsh defence ... will it hold?

Adrian Sims Mar 3

Ginger Santa is not having a great day is he?

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Best spills the ball but manages to just about collect it

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Great tackle by North, stopping Kearney in his tracks

Grant Wetherall Mar 3

must be tactical

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Wales shooting up very quickly in defense

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ireland 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Mar 3

Ryan with some great decision making as he holds onto the ball and makes the break