Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Jubilo again refuse to take the points and set up an attacking line out

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Penalty advantage to Jubilo

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Shining Arcs look great on attack and seem to always make it over the advantage line but a neck roll clear out gives Jubilo a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Tsuruda marks the ball after a kick which is testament to great defence

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

they have lost 5m

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

5 phases later and Jubilo unable to break the defence

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Very lateral by Jubilo as Havili tries to break the line

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Havili tackled just on the Shining Arcs 22

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Goromaru cuts the defensive line and puts Rocky Havili away

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Shining Arcs enjoying a little more time with ball in hand but a knock on gifts Jubilo the scrum feed