Bernard levels the scores with his second penalty. 13-13 after half an hour.

The home side respond with 3 points of their own. Pierre Bernard slots over a kick to put them back within 3 points. 13-10 Montpellier.

Benoit Paillague extends the lead with a penalty. 13-7 to Montpellier after 20 minutes.

Try Bordeaux. Bordeaux respond straight away after Metuisela Talebula cuts through the Montpellier defence with a good line. Bernard converts for the home side so they trail Montpellier now by 3 points. 10-7 Montpellier.

Try Montpellier. Audrin scores the first try of the game after he intercepts the ball and scores freely under the posts. Benoit Paillague converts so Montpellier lead 10-0.

Benoit Paillague gets the first points of the game after an easy enough penalty. Quiet start to the game so far. 3-0 Montpellier.