Tekori powers through two tackles before offloading to Ahki who manages to hold onto the ball. He finds support but Guitoune spills it a phase later. Scrum to the visitors.
Tolofua steps past a tackle or two before carrying strongly.
Arnold wins the lineout and Toulouse drive from just 7 metres from their line
Long ball out to Fortunel who is hit into touch
Castres up to the 22 now.
Kockett feeds the scrum before getting it back from Vaipulu.
We comeback for the earlier knock-on by Toulouse
Possession changes hands a few times after the lineout before Combezou goes on a run across field.
Kockett kicks deep onto Huget from the scrum and the winger is smashed as he hits the ground. Toulouse recycle the ball before Medard returns the kick. Urdapilleta sends it high and long back but Medard is able to mark and find touch between his 22 and 10m