Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Lolohea takes an inside ball off Fonotia from a line out and he powers through defenders to score

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Penalty Tasman

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Mako's on attack

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Quiet opening 5 minutes in the 2nd half as both sides earn unkickable penalties

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Mako's throw a pass that is nearly intercepted but then fumbled by the Stags -

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Mako's kick for touch

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Penalty Mako's

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Samu breaks blind from the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Tasman ripping the Stags apart as Hunt comes close but held up

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Brilliant by Tasman as Lowe starts it off a scrum and stays up with play to finish it off from an inside pop