Forward pass gives Taranaki a breather. Scrum 10m out from their own tryline.
Harbour make a break straight from the kickoff but are brought down just inside the home side's half. Gatland puts in a cross kick which is regathered.
Hunt peals off the side of the maul and easily gets over for his second try.
They set up a maul.
Penalty to Harbour. High tackle. Gatland puts in a perfect kick to set up a lineout 5m out.
They do a good job to get up to the halfway, but a very poor pass leads to a Harbour lineout.
Harbour have done a great job this half of keeping Taranaki inside their own 22m area with some brilliant kicks.
We have had 10 tries after 55 minutes of play.
Gatland makes a linebreak near halfway. He runs 20m before throwing a perfect long pass out wide to Telea who does well to score in the corner.
Unbelievable 4th try in only 50min. A short pass from a ruck only metres from the tryline makes it an easy one for Li in the corner.