Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Hammersley covers the grubber through well,

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Penalty against Falcons and Sale go quickly

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Falcons on the counter and work their way up to halfway

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Cliff box kicks

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Hodgson restarts

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Sale worked extremely hard to grab this try as they went to the lineout time and time again. This time the forwards punched towards the line before Janse van Rensburg went just short opening up the space for Evans out wide. The former All Black just had to dive over the line

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

The forwards are picking driving near the line before Janse van Rensburg has a crack

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Lineout 5m from the try once again for Sale

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Yarde was held up and they comeback for the penalty to Sale. Falcons have been warned for the penalty count.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Thomas Foley has asked "Try yes or no"