Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
They clear long and Lowry has a run back. Knock on from Ulster and racing get a scrum

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Scrum to Racing on their own 5m line

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Stockdale has a gallop down the wing and knocks on

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Ulster playing an expansive game here in Racing's half

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Coetzee wins a penalty as he forces Racing to hold on. Burns kicks to touch

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Racing again on the attack on halfway. They are experiencing a real period of dominance here

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Racing strike back

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Klemenczak breaks through off of a pass from Iribaren and then offloads to Lauret who scores

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
After a powerful scrum by Racing, Claassen breaks and offloads to Iribaren for the score

Ultimate Rugby
Oct 10
Stockdale knocks on in his 22 and Racing get a scrum