Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

The ref blows the whistle as Pau are found to be kicking in the ruck. A warning is given

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau somehow gain possession from the lineout and kick the ball downfield as Ospreys gather and attack

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ospreys are back on the attack again with a brilliant break from Kotze and Evans and they come five metres out before being awarded a penalty for which they kick for touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

What a second half start from the Ospreys as Thomas-Wheeler carries the ball over the line for their first points of the game

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Gareth Thomas goes on the charge and Pau are forced to kill the ball illegally, with a yellow card being shown to openside Baptiste Pesenti.

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ospreys win the scrum and push forward but concede a scrum at the breakdown

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau knock the ball on on their five metre line and Ospreys have a scrum

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ospreys win the lineout and waste no time in attacking but Pau steal the ball

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Ospreys kick the ball downfield and Pau return the favour but it travels out for touch

Ultimate Rugby Jan 1

Pau win the lineout and send it wide, making some serious ground but they lose the ball and Ospreys start their attack