Sharks maul again as Coetzee breaks away down the right touch and gets to 5m's from the try line. Penalty against the Sharks for holding on.
Tahs take the kick off and Foley kicks it safely into touch outside their 22.
Foley kicks the penalty to take their lead back to 7 points.
Sharks box kick in their 22 and the Tahs attack as they find a gap and Hooper takes it up and Palu carries it forward to the 5m's. It is a Tahs penalty for holding on.
Sharks get a scrum penalty again in the Tahs half.
Hooper takes a brilliant gap with no one in front of him but looses the ball!
Coetzee breaks from the line out and passes out the the right hand touch but Ungerer could not hold on to it and lose it.
Sharks disturbs the Tahs scrum and with bad ball the Tahs manage to clear it.
Sharks take the line out in the Tahs 22 and maul for a few meters but again Skelton goes through the middle and holds the player with the ball and get a turn over again!
Tahs have a good scrum as they run at the Sharks in their own half but they cough it up and Steyn kicks for the corner.