Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

6m out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Rays crash it up in the 12 channel and a huge hit forces them to recycle - they do so quickly

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Ball was knocked before the kick and Rays have a scrum feed on the Rising 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Debreczeni takes it up and it is eventually kicked clear

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

No try as a knock on is spotted - Rising with a pout in to the scrum 5m from their own line

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Holmes seems to be held up but TMO having a look after a great passage pf play

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

1m out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

Rays 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

They are over the half way line and lose it - Rays take it into the Rising 22

Ultimate Rugby Sep 9

They boot it downfield and Rising counter attack with ball in hand