Ultimate Rugby May 5

Knock on and that brings about half time.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty Seattle for a collapsed maul. They go for a scrum.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seattle 5 meters out.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Gold caught holding on and Seattle kick to touch a minute to go.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seattle exit heir 22 to touch.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Yungert darts up the middle and Gold break into the Seattle 22 but a knock on brings that attack to an end.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seattle go through a few phases but lose possession and Gold clear their 22.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Seattle spread it wide and go up to the gold 22.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

Penalty Seattle and they kick down the line.

Ultimate Rugby May 5

A simple switch move unlocks the Gold defence as Suniula offloads for the fullbakc to score.