Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Connacht at the scrum and they'll kick at goal

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Conway breaks on the outside, passes to Stander and the back rower passes inside to Haley for the try

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty Munster in the 22 and they'll kick to touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

High tackle on Bealham and Connacht get a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Cronin looks to box kick but its poor. He manages to take it himself before being turned over

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Cronin finds Beirne through a gap and the second row steps passed Adeolokun and scores

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Haley knocks on and Connacht clear to touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Munster on the attack in the 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

The teams trade kicks and Connacht get a lineout but lose it for a scrum forward for a scrum Munster

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

In an amazing play. Conway intercepts the ball and runs over the try-line but is then stopped by Fitzgerald as he takes too long to dot it down