Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

They find touch on the Worcester 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Worcester clear downfield and win the ball at the lineout but they are then penalised for holding on

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Schatz makes an excellent break but is then penalised for holding on

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Irish deal with the restart and come on the attack once more. 8 minutes left on the clock

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Irish now as Worcester infringe at the breakdown once more

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Irish recover possession and work the ball to Williams who smashes through a tackle

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Irish secure possession form the lineout and Steele clears downfield

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Worcester win the ball at the lineout and look to attack but they are penalised for going off their feet. Irish find touch downfield

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Worcester now as the Irish front row collapse the scrum. Shillcock finds touch beyond halfway

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ball is knocked on at the lineout by London Irish. Scrum Worcester