Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

But yet again Sale miss an opportunity to take away points

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Sale scrum five yards out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Sale find a lose ball and punt it down the pitch, again Irish are forced to touch the ball down behind their try line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

They exit deep but dont make touch, the Faf de Klerk box kicks and Paolo Odogwu makes an excellent catch. Play is now on the halfway line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Irish win a free kick off the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

But knock it on the next phase

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Sale break the gainline with a cheeky inside pass

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Sale turn the scrum and spread it wide

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Sale knock it on so Irish have a midfield scrum 40 yards out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

They work through the phases get up to the 10 yard line