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Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scrum penalty Scarlets and Dan Jones sets up the lineout

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Lost forward in midfield for a Scarlets scrum feed

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Scarlets have kicked it straight out on the full, back for a Leinster throw

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Box kick from McGrath, good take from the Scarlets

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Conan carries off the back of the scrum short side

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Ripped in the tackle by the Scarlets and it went forward for a Leinster scrum

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

Dan Jones restarts, Leinster get a maul going

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

The try stands.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

TMO is checking the ground and the breakdown before Healy carried over the line.

Ultimate Rugby Oct 10

A powerful maul from Leinster before Frawley goes just short. A few phases later, Healy is shoved over.