Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Strauss carried off injured.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

Clermonts early territory rewarded with a penalty, as Leinster penalised for slowing the ball down at the breakdown.

Ultimate Rugby Dec 12

5 minutes gone, and Clermont have had the better of a very physical start, Leinster have yet to get possession in the Clermont half.

Seand Dec 12

C'mon the boys in blue!

AgeingProp Dec 12

Today will be O'Briens day to shine.

Feljin Jose Dec 12

Leinster! Can't lose at the Aviva with 52,000 supporters

Gemma Kenny Dec 12

Allez les Blues!

Draíochta Dec 12

Vamos Leinster

Felipe Saavedra Dec 12

Com'on Leinster!